Your Tooth Decay Prevention: It’s Only Complete If…

In short, our Austin, MN team would like to remind you that your tooth decay prevention is only complete if you’re checking off every single task that you are required to follow in order to stop cavities from forming! With that said, however, you may wonder: What’s on this list and is it hard to accomplish? As for the degree to which you will be required to put forth effort, we are always happy to report to patients that the preventive care needed to stop decay from showing up is actually very easy and not quite as complex as you might assume. Learn more!


Why An Extraction Isn’t The “Bad” Thing You Think It Is

You might have lots of thoughts and emotions connected with the dental extraction you have recently learned you require. However, it’s possible that not a single one of them includes anything positive. Instead, you may feel like having your tooth removed is something that’s “bad” in more ways than one. You may worry about the way it will feel, what happens once the tooth is gone, and more! While we can absolutely understand why your thought process might lean this way, our Austin, MN team strongly encourages you to leave some room for a new perspective. The truth is: Extractions aren’t exactly what you think! Find out more!


What to Know When a Tooth Needs Extraction

Thanks to the advanced state of today’s dental health care, tooth loss has become much less of an overall concern. However, there are still times when it’s inevitable, such as when you have to have a tooth extracted due to a severe dental health condition. At our Austin, MN, dental office, we only recommend tooth extraction when absolutely necessary to preserve the rest of your oral health. We’ll also help you restore your smile’s health, appearance, and function by recommending an appropriate course of action afterward, such as replacing the tooth with a lifelike dental implant and crown. (more…)

Make Nighttime Smile Care Simpler

In the morning, you’re full of fresh energy. It’s all about checking things off of your list, as you prepare for the day ahead! Of course, you wouldn’t ever leave your home without brushing! However, when it’s time to wind down for the evening, you’ve got your jammies on, you’re cozy indoors with dim lighting, and you’d really just love to crawl into bed, this might cause you a bit of a problem when it comes to your nighttime smile care. Are you skipping sessions? Accidentally falling asleep before you manage to brush and floss? While it may seem hopeless, our Austin, MN team has the tricks you need to simplify and succeed!


Adapting: Reminders For Life With Dental Implants!

What are you thinking life is going to be like after you receive your dental implants and restorations? Do you have any concerns, misgivings, apprehension? If so, our Austin, MN team reminds you that you are like most patients! It is absolutely normal to wonder about what happens after the fact and whether the benefits you know are coming will also include some drawbacks. We are very glad to report to you that it’s pretty much all benefits and nothing to worry about. Consider some examples of what we mean, so you can rest easy and look forward to your soon-to-be smile transformation.


Reasons You Haven’t Considered Bonding Yet

You might not have considered dental bonding until recently when, upon close inspection of this particular cosmetic dental care treatment, you realized: Hey, this might be just what I need! If so, our Austin, MN team encourages you to pick up the phone, contact our team, and let us know you’d like to learn more about whether bonding may be the best avenue for you to consider for smile improvement! As for what may have been holding you back and what might hold other patients back out there, let’s review the details as a means of illuminating some serious advantages this treatment may provide!


Dental Care: When Less is More

It’s a natural instinct to think that more is better and less is, well….less. When it comes to good dental hygiene, it turns out that sometimes less is just as good (or even better!) than more. Some classic dental advice that will never go out of style is brush twice a day and floss once. Your knowledgeable dentist in Austin, MN also offers some additional lifestyle advice that can help improve oral health for your family while doing less!  (more…)

When You Worry Whitening Won’t Be An Option

When your dream is a whiter smile but you fear that the reality of your grin leaves you a poor match for traditional teeth whitening, you may feel too worried to come in to learn more. As our Austin, MN team would direct you in nearly any situation: Don’t give up! Instead, come see us! You may be assuming incorrectly! In addition, you are overlooking the fact that there is more than one pathway leading to a beautifully bright, vibrant smile. The only way to find out how we can help you is to schedule a consultation! For now, let’s address those worries.


Your Flossing: 3 Things That Should Not Be True

There are some things you may know are true about flossing your smile as part of your daily and long-term dental hygiene and oral health protection! You know it’s important. You know it should happen every day. You know we suggest it. With that said, you may not be quite so clear on things that should not be true about your flossing and how such factors may impact your smile! Enjoy this quick, flipped-perspective review with our Austin, MN team for additional smile care insight.


Your Fully Repaired Smile: Transforming Smile Damage!

Smile damage is the type of thing that you really hope you don’t have to deal with but that can happen to anyone! While you usually take excellent care of your smile, a smattering off days can lead to a cavity eventually, you could end up with an injured tooth during a fun game of baseball with friends, and the list continues! So, whether you have realized you need to take better care of your smile or you just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time to keep your oral health safe, our Austin, MN team reminds you: We can transform your damaged smile back into a healthy, complete feature! Learn more.
