Month: January 2022

When Does A Smile Need Bonding And Contouring?

austin dental bonding

When you have several different cosmetic issues with the smile, you may benefit from dental bonding and contouring. These two treatments offer esthetic improvements in only one visit, and are safe for all ages. In today’s blog, your Austin, MN, dentists talk about when a smile should consider bonding and contouring.

We Brighten Your Teeth From Home

austin teeth whitening

Teeth whitening can help remove dental discoloration and give you a shining smile. Our professional approach means more dramatic and long-lasting results than store bought options. In today’s blog, your Austin, MN, dentists talk about our powerful professional teeth whitening trays and gel.

Finding The Solution For Your Sleep Apnea 

Austin sleep apnea

When you have trouble staying asleep and feel exhausted during the night, then you may be suffering from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). To avoid poor quality of life and strained heart health, you may need treatment. In today’s blog, your Austin, MN, dentists talk about finding the perfect solution for sleep apnea. 

Chronic Headaches Could Be Due To TMJ Disorder

Austin tmj treatment

If you have a headache that occurs on a regular basis, this could be due to an issue like TMJ disorder, or TMD. Without treatment, symptoms could worsen and you could even develop complications like bruxism (teeth grinding). In today’s blog, your Austin, MN, dentists talk about treating issues like TMJ disorder.