Month: June 2018

Addressing Chronic Pain That Stems From TMJ Disorder

Spending your day trying to manage your different responsibilities, and dealing with chronic pain in your face, neck, and head, can be exhausting. People who experience chronic pains can find it harder to navigate their social and professional circles, and they can experience serious effects on their sense of well-being. If you feel that ongoing… Read more »

Things Worth Giving Up When You Want Implants

When you want dental implants, it’s worth knowing that there are some things that are definitely worth giving up. Do you have to? Not necessarily. However, for the patient that wants to head into this type of tooth replacement with as few potential hurdles to success as possible, letting go of some not-so-beneficial habits can… Read more »

Implants: No, They’re Not Just A Luxury

You may think to yourself that while you would really love dental implants, they’re actually just a luxury. You think you could simply replace your missing teeth with a bridge or denture but you’re getting carried away with wanting what appears to be the shiniest object in the room, so to speak. While we can… Read more »