Do Baby Teeth Really Need Fillings?

We used our last blog to talk about the steps we offer to prevent cavities from forming in a child’s smile, such as fluoride treatments or dental sealants. But what if a child develops a cavity, and the decay is located in a baby tooth? Does this tooth still need a filling, couldn’t the issue simply wait? In today’s blog, your Austin, MN, dentists will explain why baby teeth do need fillings to treat cavities!


Three Ways Porcelain Veneers Can Enhance Your Smile

Nothing is more disheartening than having a difficult stain or chip in your teeth prevent you from having an otherwise perfect grin. While you may practice excellent oral health habits daily to ensure a healthy smile and prevent any loss or extractions, our daily routine can actually impact each tooth more than you might think. From the coffee we drink in the morning to the potato chips we have with lunch, our grins are subject to a variety of damage sources that could cause functional as well as cosmetic problems down the line. Fortunately, cosmetic procedures such as receiving porcelain veneers can address many of these minor issues, and your Austin, MN dentist at Potach and Mitchell Dental Clinic is ready to help.


Prosthetic Dental Options Based on Fit

It’s important that a craftsperson uses the right tool for each job — and that applies to pretty much any line of work. Whether you’re making an artisan table, or trying to repair a broken smile, you want the right tool. Prosthetic dentistry is designed to replace damaged and missing teeth, restoring patient smiles and the functionality of their bite. However, every case of tooth loss and every patient is different. Each specific case will dictate the right prosthetic dental option. Working with a skilled dental professional gives you the ability to recover from your tooth loss. (more…)