How Dental Implants Offer Lifelike Tooth Replacement

austin dental implants

When you suffer from tooth loss, we have an option that can help whether you lose one tooth or all of them. With dental implants, we can support new teeth that look and function like natural ones, and prevent your jaw from losing mass and density with time. In today’s blog, your Austin, MN, dentists talk about dental implant placement.

The Causes of Missing Teeth

Why do we suffer from a greater risk of tooth loss as we grow older? Well, for some missing teeth could be the result of an untreated cavity or infection, or possibly even an injury to the face or jaw. The most common cause is actually periodontitis, the advanced stage of gum disease. When you lose teeth, this could limit your meal options and cause issues with clear speech. You could also be more likely to develop complications like misalignment, TMJ disorder, and bruxism (teeth grinding). You may also feel embarrassed about your appearance and avoid social situations, which harms your quality of life. But this can also weaken your smile and change your facial structure!

The Dangers of Weakening Jawbones

The body will respond to the issue by suspending the flow of calcium and phosphorus to the jawbone. Without these nutrients, the jaw begins to break down, the resulting changes could cause further tooth loss and even lead to an older appearance. However, dental implants can help prevent these complications! You see, the implant post is made from titanium, a biocompatible material the body accepts as natural bone structure. When inserted into the jaw, this stimulates the growth of jawbone structure to preserve your smile and facial structure, and ensure your new teeth can last for decades to come, possibly a lifetime.

The Advantages That Dental Implants Offer

Our team will employ advanced digital imaging to choose the correct angle, position, and depth to ensure long-lasting and lifelike tooth replacement. We then connect a crown for individual dental implants, or we could use several posts to support bridges or even a full set of dentures. You now have replacement teeth that not only look natural, but function like natural teeth too. If you have any questions about how we secure dental implants and offer a solution to tooth loss, then contact our team today. Let’s start summer on the path to a full and beautiful smile, so reach out to our team soon to schedule your initial consultation and exam.

Do You Have Questions About Implant Dentistry?

We want to offer a solution for the gaps in your smile that look and function like natural teeth, and that can last for years to come. To schedule an appointment for custom prosthetics with Potach & Mitchell in Austin, MN, call 507-437-6312.