Dentures Can Offer A Lifelike Appearance

austin dentures

When you have lost the majority of your smile, then this could impact how you eat and speak. But with dentures, we can restore your smile to optimal function, health, and beauty. In today’s blog, your Austin, MN, dentists talk about our full and partial dentures, both removable and implant-secured!

The Dangers of Total Tooth Loss

When you lose most or all of your teeth, this could cause embarrassment and limit your social interactions and overall quality of life. You could be severely limited in your meal options, which impacts nutritional intake too. Missing teeth could also be linked to a weakened jaw, losing mass and density to cause an aged appearance. With dentures, we can help address total tooth loss or complicated cases that a bridge or individual dental implant cannot address. A full smile is possible, so don’t assume you have to live with missing teeth!


If you have multiple gaps spread out across your arch, we could create a set of partials. With a partial, we have teeth set in an acrylic base that mimics the appearance of gum tissue. These teeth are designed to fit within the gaps in your smile. Metal clasps will attach to natural teeth to secure your new prosthetic in place. We custom-make this based on detailed digital images and measurements taken of your smile, and a removable option can last about 5 to 10 years on average.


We could also address every tooth on one or both arches with a full set of dentures, which provides a complete row of lifelike teeth set in an acrylic base. Suction or adhesives can keep these custom prosthetics in place, and you can smile with confidence again!


While removable options are effective, they don’t halt the changes to the ridge that occurs as the jaw loses mass and density, so they need replacement every few years. But! We could secure them with dental implants, which are placed into the jaw and act like new roots. This stimulates the growth of jawbone structure by causing the body to resume the flow of nutrients, so your jaw ridge stays intact. As a result, your implant dentures can stay in place for decades to come, and never slip or require removal either.

If you have a severe case of tooth loss, then talk to our team about your prosthetics options, so we can return full function, health, and beauty to your smile once again. You deserve to smile with confidence this summer, and we want to make this a reality.

Do You Have Questions About Tooth Replacement?

Our team wants to provide new teeth that restore function and beauty to your smile. To schedule an appointment for custom dentures with Potach & Mitchell in Austin, MN, call 507-437-6312.