A Bridge Can Replace Your Lost Tooth

austin dental bridges

When you suffer from minor tooth loss, this could cause serious problems for your oral health, bite function, and of course, your appearance. To fill the gap and prevent major complications, we can offer a custom and lifelike dental prosthetic. In today’s blog, your Austin, MN, dentists talk about our dental bridges.

The Causes of Tooth Loss

Why do we lose our natural teeth? For many, tooth loss is connected to issues like injury or even untreated tooth decay or infection. The most common cause is periodontitis, the advanced stage of gum disease, one that destroys the tissues connecting your teeth and gums. We want to replace your missing teeth because otherwise, the gaps in your smile could lead to misalignment, an increased risk of cavities and periodontal concerns, TMJ disorder and bruxism (teeth grinding), and issues eating and speaking. Your jaw could also lose mass and density, which causes a breakdown linked to further tooth loss. But with a bridge, we can help fill the gap and prevent these issues from occurring.

Designing and Crafting a Prosthetic

To begin, our team will numb the teeth on each side of the gap and then remove structure from them. We will use digital imaging technology to gather pictures and measurements of the teeth from multiple angles, creating a 3D model that allows us to design and craft your finished bridge. The prosthetic will contain new teeth with crowns attached to each end. Made from ceramic, this can endure daily bite forces and be shaded to blend with your smile too. With a traditional option, we will connect the crowns to the abutment teeth, the ones we removed structure from, which supports your new prosthetic in place. The bridge then lasts about 10 to 15 years on average!

Dental Implants

To save tooth structure and allow your new bridge to last far longer, then our team could insert one to two dental implants into the jaw, which we attach the crown portions of the prosthetic to. This option can last for decades to come and prevent the loss of mass and density in the jaw, safeguarding your smile as a whole. Our team can examine your smile and help you decide which option is right for you, and start you on the path to a whole and beautiful smile. If you have any questions about how we treat tooth loss with a custom dental bridge, then contact our team today to learn more. You deserve a full smile, and we’re ready to make it a reality!

Do You Have Questions About Dental Prosthetics?

Our team wants to help you enjoy good oral health and a complete smile! To schedule an appointment for custom prosthetics with Potach & Mitchell in Austin, MN, call 507-437-6312.