Your Smile: When Was The Last Time You…?

When you think about those absolutes in the world of your smile care, the things you should be doing include brushing, flossing, and visits. As long as you’re keeping up with these details and you’re doing them correctly, then where could you go wrong with your oral health, you wonder? Well, the thing is, there’s a bit more involved when you’re striving for comprehensive smile protection. Not sure about these other little particulars but you’re certainly ready for advice? Allow our Austin, MN practice to fill you in by asking: When was the last time you…?

Replaced Your Toothbrush?

You might not think about this one very often. Instead, you may tend to just buy and begin using a new toothbrush when you feel like it’s time. However, for best results with your smile care, it’s very important that you stick with replacing your toothbrush every three to four months. If you wait longer than that, your toothbrush isn’t doing its job. So, we suggest you simply keep this in mind!

Wore SPF Lip Balm?

No matter that amount of time you spend in the sun or the time of day, you’re always vulnerable to its harmful rays. To help you avoid problems like skin cancer and oral cancer (remember that your lip tissue is included), it’s best to wear SPF on and around your mouth! If you’re not wearing lip balm or other protectant with SPF, it’s a good idea to get started.

Checked The Expiration Date Of Smile Products?

Do you happen to know how fresh your toothpaste is? Has it been sitting in your bathroom for just a few weeks? Do you have other toothpastes you use occasionally? We encourage you to take a look every now and then at the expiration dates on the products you use just to be sure they’re not past their prime! If they are, remove them from your dental care collection and start fresh.

Reviewed Your Smile Care?

How do you think you’re doing with your smile care? Have you thought about it, asked yourself whether you’re seeing us frequently enough, etc. lately? If you haven’t, it’s always smart to review your daily and long-term care just to be sure you’re doing your best!

Review Your Smile Care Practices

To ensure you’re doing your best for your oral health, we remind you that it’s always beneficial to review your smile care practices from time to time. If you think you need some extra help, come in for a dental visit! Schedule a visit with our Austin, MN practice today by contacting Potach and Mitchell Dental Clinic today at 507-437-6312 to schedule your care.