How We Use Digital Technology In Your Exam

We always urge our patients to see us at least once every six months for a checkup and cleaning. A checkup means we have a chance to identify areas of concern, and using digital technology, we can do so in the earliest stages! In today’s blog, your Austin, MN, dentists explain why you need an exam, and how we use digital technology as part of this visit.

When Do I Need a Checkup?

You should have one once every six months. A visit twice a year often allows us to catch problems in the early stages, treating them before they have a chance to worsen and lead to serious discomfort. Children also benefit form these exams, and we suggest the first visit once the first baby tooth erupts, and afterward they should continue to have an exam every six months thereafter.

Digital X-Rays

We want to have a clear picture of not just the surface of your smile, but what’s happening under the gums too. To do this, we use digital x-ray technology. This system uses 90% less radiation. In addition, the images don’t need to be developed in harsh chemicals. Instead, you receive them instantly chairside. We walk you through the diagnostic process so you understand what is happening with your smile, and we can identify wisdom teeth, infections or abscess, and other signs of poor oral health in the early stages.


We will also examine the surfaces of your smile in great detail with the DIAGNOdent system, which uses lasers to identify possible spots that could become decayed in the future. We then have an opportunity to treat cavities before they cause discomfort, and in some cases, avoid the need for fillings.

Warning Signs of Trouble

Sometimes, you need to see our team for an issue that arises in between your routine visits. For example, if you have a tooth that feels sensitive or aches, or if your gums begin to feel sore and bleed, let us know. If you have a chipped tooth or suffer an injury to your smile, contact us then as well. Addressing concerns quickly often helps protect your smile from complications. If you have any questions about our treatment options, or if you would like to schedule a visit for you or a member of your family, then contact our team today.


We want to help you and your family continue to enjoy your brightest and healthiest smiles with preventive care. To learn more about our approach to preventive dental care, then schedule an appointment with the Potach and Mitchell Dental Clinic, contact our Austin, MN dental office today by calling 507-437-6312. Our office welcomes patients from Austin, MN and surrounding communities.