Why Become An Avid Water Drinker?

Yes, we know it is autumn and that as a result, you’re probably thinking about becoming a more fanatic hot chocolate, specialty coffee, and hot apple cider drinker. Of course, we understand your feelings. However, we also encourage you at this time of year (and every time as a matter of fact) to become a more avid water drinker if you are not one already. What’s drinking lots of water have to do with your dental health, you ask? Allow us to fill you in!

To Avoid Dry Mouth Issues

It seems too easy to be true but it’s real. When you’re trying to treat or avoid dry mouth, sometimes you really just need some more water in your system. When you’re dehydrated, your mouth is dehydrated. When you’re drinking water, the chance that your oral tissues will remain moist and healthy is much greater. Drink up!

To Keep Yourself Healthy

Remember that your entire body is connected. When you’re enjoying overall wellness, it means it’s easier to keep your dental health well. When you’re not healthy and your immune system is challenged, it’s more difficult for your mouth to fight off issues like infections. Drink 64 ounces of water daily to protect yourself.

To Rinse, Rinse, Rinse

Every time you drink water, you rinse your smile. You know that this is great for your dental health because you’re displacing some plaque, other bacteria, food particles, and all of that stuff that leads to issues like cavities.

To Avoid Stains

Again, when you drink water, you’re rinsing your smile. When you rinse pigments from your smile, you’re less likely to incur stains. It’s simple but it’s very effective.

Protect Teeth And Gums With Water

We love sharing simple tips with you during dental visits, so you can more easily care for your oral health. Schedule a visit with our Austin, MN practice today by contacting Potach and Mitchell Dental Clinic today at 507-437-6312 to schedule your care.