Want Implants? Check Your Schedule.

You might think that you want dental implants. You may even know a lot about the technical details regarding how placement works, the way an implant supports a restoration, and more. However, if you’re not fully filled in regarding the way choosing implants can affect your schedule, it’s high time you take a moment for a quick review. Then, assuming you like what you hear, it’s time to move forward!

The Big Picture

First of all, let’s talk about the bigger picture here, when you’re choosing dental implants. When we look at what you can expect from start to finish if you replace teeth with implants, you are looking at something that can take a few months to around one year or a bit more. Yes, this takes more time than the placement of a bridge or denture. However, the benefits are quite exciting. Remember to consider this factor.

The Little Picture

As for the details that come into play, you’re not going to simply come in, get your dental implants, and go home. Instead, you will see us for multiple appointments for everything from implant placement to the placement of a permanent abutment, then the restoration of your implants, and additional visits to monitor the healing and progress of your implants. If you are prepared to come into our practice as necessary over the months or year required of implants, then you’re in good shape.

The Unexpected Picture

You may be a nearly perfect candidate for dental implants. Or, you might not be ready yet. We may tell you that you need treatment in preparation for becoming a candidate (such as grafting for jawbone deterioration). Remember that this may require additional visits and will extend the time you need.

Get The Implant Details Sorted By Coming In For A Consultation

Schedule a dental visit with us, so we can sit down with you, examine your smile, map out your course of treatment, and so you may make decisions from there. Schedule a visit with our Austin, MN practice today by contacting Potach and Mitchell Dental Clinic today at 507-437-6312 to schedule your care.