Three Ways Porcelain Veneers Can Enhance Your Smile

Nothing is more disheartening than having a difficult stain or chip in your teeth prevent you from having an otherwise perfect grin. While you may practice excellent oral health habits daily to ensure a healthy smile and prevent any loss or extractions, our daily routine can actually impact each tooth more than you might think. From the coffee we drink in the morning to the potato chips we have with lunch, our grins are subject to a variety of damage sources that could cause functional as well as cosmetic problems down the line. Fortunately, cosmetic procedures such as receiving porcelain veneers can address many of these minor issues, and your Austin, MN dentist at Potach and Mitchell Dental Clinic is ready to help.

Addresses multiple Blemishes

Veneers are an option you may want to consider if you find yourself hiding your smile more often than revealing it. They are very thin shells of dental porcelain used to enhance the quality of your smile cosmetically, requiring no extensive treatment and minimal enamel sculpting to apply. They can be utilized to address a myriad of circumstances, including chips, cracks, difficult stains that cannot be removed with whitening, and even gaps between teeth.

When you attend your dental visit, your dentist will first discuss your options to ensure that veneers are the right option for you. From there, we will begin planning and creating the shells so as to match the shade of your grin and also mimic the natural texture of each tooth. Once these are complete, your dentist will gently sculpt a small portion of the enamel from the surface of your teeth to make room for your new shells, securing them with dental cement.

Reinforces Your Grin’s Strength

Not only do porcelain veneers provide a simple method of perfecting your smile, but they also reinforce its strength as well. Because they are typically considered when other cosmetic procedures will not suffice, the treatment offers a permanent solution to any blemishes that have arisen while also requiring minimal alteration to your teeth. For more information about this process, contact our team today.

Creates an Even Appearance

One of the most beneficial aspects of receiving this cosmetic procedure includes its ability to restore the symmetry and even appearance of your natural grin. What this means is that even if a tooth appears uneven, jagged, or simply shorter than others, a custom veneer can provide a consistent finish that will not be detectable from a distance. What’s more, and gaps between teeth can be closed to provide a seamless appearance.

Talk to Our Team Today

Sometimes the difference between having a smile you are confident in showing off versus not is a small shell of dental porcelain. Contact Potach and Mitchell Dental Clinic in Austin, MN today by calling 507-437-6312 to learn how porcelain veneers can enhance your grin in more ways than one.