Securing Your Dentures With Sturdy Implants

When you suffer from the loss of several of your natural teeth, this could mean major complications for the health, function, and appearance of your smile. To provide a stable and long-lasting solution, your Austin, MN, dentists may suggest securing a denture with a series of dental implants. In today’s blog, we’re going to walk you through this process!

What Makes Implants So Stable?

Typically, a tooth replacement option is held in place with crowns or clasps that attach to remaining natural teeth. If you have lost all of your teeth, then suction may keep them in place. However, dental implants will be inserted directly into the jawbone, where they act as new tooth roots. Since we create them from biocompatible titanium, this bonds with the jawbone and ensures they have the chance to last for decades to come, possibly even a lifetime. As long as you maintain routine care to keep issues like gum disease at bay, you may even enjoy new teeth that last a lifetime!

Placing Your New Roots

First, we’re going to use advanced technology to plan your placement and decide where exactly where you should insert the dental implants. Through a process known as osseointegration, they will bond with the jawbone. If you have lost significant jawbone tissue due to tooth loss, we may need to perform bone grafting or ridge augmentation to ensure your smile can support new roots. Several will be placed in each arch to support your new dentures.

Creating Your Prosthetic

The prosthetic, the part people see when you smile, will be made based on detailed impressions and measurements we take of your smile. The prosthetic will consist of a full row of lifelike teeth created from durable materials, restoring your ability to eat your favorite foods. Since we attach them to the dental implants, they’re fixed in place. You don’t need to remove them for cleaning or soaking, as they never slip when you eat or speak. You can smile, laugh, and talk without worry, and eat all of your old favorites again. Since the new root stimulates the growth of jawbone tissue, this means you don’t lose your youthful features. If you have any questions about treating tooth loss, or about the benefits of dental implants, then contact our team today. We want to help you obtain a complete smile again!


With a prosthetic comes a chance to once again enjoy a complete and functional smile. To learn more about restoring multiple missing teeth, then schedule an appointment with the Potach and Mitchell Dental Clinic, contact our Austin, MN dental office today by calling 507-437-6312. Our office welcomes patients from Austin, MN and surrounding communities.