Dental Care: When Less is More

It’s a natural instinct to think that more is better and less is, well….less. When it comes to good dental hygiene, it turns out that sometimes less is just as good (or even better!) than more. Some classic dental advice that will never go out of style is brush twice a day and floss once. Your knowledgeable dentist in Austin, MN also offers some additional lifestyle advice that can help improve oral health for your family while doing less! 

Drink Less Juice, Soda and Sports Drinks

Maybe you saw this one coming. Sugary fruit drinks bathe your teeth in one of the very substance s (sugar) that oral bacteria feeds on. When the bacteria have more food, they produce more acid and form more plaque, both of which are harmful to teeth and can lead to cavities. Water is the ideal beverage. Try jazzing it up with strawberry or cucumber slices or flavor drops if you find it boring. Dilute sports drinks and juice with water when you drink them or serve them to your family.

Spend Less Time Snacking

It isn’t just what you eat and when you snack, but how you eat it. When you eat a snack all at one sitting, and then rinse, your teeth spend less time in contact with sugars and starches. If you keep a stash of snacks, and munch all day, then your tooth enamel never gets break from the acidic reactions when oral bacteria feed and grow. If the chips or cookies, or the vending machine are calling your name, we won’t say don’t indulge, but limit time these types of food are in contact with your teeth.

Put Less Time Between Appointments

If you have healthy teeth and gums, we will recommend you see our gentle and caring office team twice a year for checkups and cleaning. At these appointments the dentist will also screen for oral cancer, anomalies of jaw or oral structures, overall oral health and more. There are times we will want less time between appointments, for example if deeper cleaning is needed to head off progression of gum disease to periodontitis, or if you smoke or use tobacco products and we want to keep a closer eye on your oral health.

We Want Your Dental Visits to Be Just Right

Dental visits and good oral care don’t have to be a time-consuming hassle. Regular attention to the needs of your smile is a wise investment of your time. Schedule a visit with our Austin, MN practice today by contacting Potach and Mitchell Dental Clinic today at 507-437-6312 to schedule your care.