Dental Sealants: FAQs

When you shift your focus from your own smile to that of your child’s you quickly recognize that your son or daughter’s habits aren’t quite as skillful as your own (not yet, anyway). As a result, you feel curious about what you can do to keep those teeth and gums healthy until your child catches on to more masterful brushing and flossing. Fortunately, dental sealants offer exceptional protection. Not sure about the specifics? Consider some helpful FAQs and answers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: How do dental sealants help my child’s smile?

Answer: A sealant is a thin layer of plastic. It’s painted over back teeth (to cover chewing surfaces) and cured, so it remains in place. It’s going to create a barrier that keeps the tissue below nice and clean, so plaque cannot become trapped in little grooves. The same is true for food particles. When your child brushes those areas, the results will be excellent every time.

Question: Is it really worth placing dental sealants? If they don’t last very long, I don’t know if the benefits are worthwhile.

Answer: It’s absolutely a good plan. Sealants last for a nice long duration (generally around 10 years). Fortunately, they’re invisible and your child won’t be able to feel them. They’ll stay in place and protect against cavities until your child is a teenager.

Question: What happens after the 10 years or so are up? Will I need to replace them or have them removed?

Answer: If a touchup is required, we will go ahead and do so. However, realize that sealants naturally wear away over time. In most cases, they will do their job, disappear on their own, and that’s the end of the story (no removal required).

Choose Sealants To Protect Young Teeth

Move ahead with the placement of dental sealants on your child’s back teeth by scheduling a visit with our Austin, MN practice today. Contact Potach and Mitchell Dental Clinic today at 507-437-6312 to schedule your care.